Русский язык как иностранный (РКИ, RFL) — курс РКИ в Самаре
Online Russian Course
for Non-Native Speakers for adults and children from Grade 5
Assess your
current level
Start communicating
in Russian or prepare
for an exam
how long
it will take you
to reach your goal

Choose your level

A1 Beginner
A course for beginners

5-6 months
2 times a week

Your vocabulary
at the end of the course:
780 words

This course is the best choice for you if you have never studied Russian or it has been a long time since you studied it so you don't remember anything.

After completing the course you will be able to:
introduce and briefly talk about yourself, your family, hobbies and work;
read and write a short text about yourself, a note or sign a postcard;
understand the speech of native speakers if they speak slowly;
deal with basic communicative needs in everyday situations: talk about the weather, ask for directions, buy medicine at a pharmacy, buy a transport ticket etc.
A2 Elementary
A course for elementary
and pre-intermediate students

7-8 months
2 times a week

Your vocabulary
at the end of the course:
1300 words

This course is designed for those who want to further study the Russian language and attain the minimum necessary language competency for engaging in professional activity.

After completing the course you will be able to:
understand the statements of the interlocutor and dialogues on everyday and socio-cultural topics;
understand the content of simple adapted texts;
start conversations on everyday topics;
speak coherently on the proposed topic (at least 10 sentences);
adequately respond to the interlocutor's remarks.
B1 Intermediate
A course
for intermediate students

7-8 months
2 times a week

Your vocabulary
at the end of the course:
2300 words

For those who need Russian
for work or entering a university.

По окончанию курса вы сможете:
After completing the course you will be able to:
give more detailed reasoning in writing and orally;
argue your point of view;
pass the exam and get a certificate for entering a Russian university.
B2 Upper-Intermediate
Upper-intermediate level

2 years

Your vocabulary
at the end of the course:
6000 words

For those who want to feel confident when working in a Russian- speaking team. Allows you to carry out professional activities in Russian as a specialist in the Humanities, Engineering and Sciences. This level is required for obtaining a bachelor's, master's and candidate of science degree in the above majors.

After completing the course you will be able to:
understand all the information and talk fluenty on professional topics;
speak correctly using set expressions;
use grammar without difficulty, make up a monologue for a few minutes on any topic, speak coherently, in long sentences.
C1 Advanced
Advanced level

1 years

This level allows you to carry out professional activity in Russian as an interpreter, editor, journalist, diplomatic official, manager in a Russian-speaking team.

This level is required for obtaining a bachelor's, master's and candidate of science degree in the above majors, as well as for obtaining a bachelor degree in Linguistics as a Russian university graduate.

Vocabulary topics will be different from those at the previous levels. Lesson materials will be filled with words, expressions and idioms that will make your speech natural.

C2 Proficiency

1 years


After completing the course you will be able to:

Course Benefits:

A teacher with
more than
20 years
of experience
prices and
a convenient
payment system
endorsed by
the Russian
of Education
with pleasure

For exam candidates:

a thorough study of the exam format and statements for each level,
mastering of each task, error analysis, guidelines for successful exam preparation

Anna Valerievna Bogacheva -
PhD in Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Teaching Russian in Other Linguistic Environments, with more than 20 years of experience

Who is teaching the course?

  • Anna Valerievna has successfully taught
    more than 400 students of different ages
    to speak Russian
  • She is an expert on training for entering
    Russian universities and taking any
    Russian language exams
  • She is a current examiner who has
    administered the Russian languague
    proficiency exams to more than
    300 candidates
  • She prepares students for testing
    to obtain the Russian Federation citizenship,
    a patent, a temporary residence permit

What makes our teaching methods effective?

We teach Russian in Russian, which means you can start learning regardless of what your native language is.

In our classes we create a natural language environment. As a result, you will quickly learn to speak freely and fluently without thinking about grammatical constructions.

Individual classes mean that all the time in the lesson will be devoted only to you.

Our lessons are fun. You will communicate, immerse yourself in the language and culture of Russia through the real life situations, master grammar and vocabulary using authentic texts, watch interesting videos, listen to audio recordings and even sing songs and play games!

Что говорят о нас наши студенты?

Осама Эльхешен Египет
Али Ихсан Турция

Анна, огромное спасибо вам. Вы меня научили говорить по- русски. Благодаря Вам я сейчас спокойно говорю по -русски и даже работаю в русско- турецкой компания в России.

Когда первый раз я приехал в Россию, вообще ничего не знал про русского языка, Вы сама знаете, но я очень хорошо помню, как Вы мне очень хорошо поддержали, научили. Вы очень хороший умный человек. Я очень рад и мне повезло, что Вас знаю. Спасибо вам огромное еще раз. Хорошо что вы есть.

Спасибо всему коллективу Оксфорд за их прекрасную работу.

Адель Египет
Николо Кристиано Италия

Course Prices

One month
of online classes

The price depends on the format and frequency of classes

Costs - from 12.324 rubles
per month

Leave a request to
clarify the amount

Submit your application

Sign up for a free test
and start your journey
to proficiency in Russian!


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